HECM / Reverse Mortgage Assistance
HECM / Reverse Mortgage
Hancock Community Development Corporation provides HECM/Reverse Mortgage counseling to homeowners 62 and older interested in the federally-insured reverse Mortgage program.
We have four certified reverse mortgage counselors, and with the addition of a counselor from California, we have expanded our services to the Western United States. Our sights are set on serving every region in the U.S.
Call: 1 (877) 284-4326 (HECM)
While reverse mortgages are not for everyone, the HECM Reverse Mortgage is a powerful tool for many seniors, and has provided stable retirement income for thousands who might otherwise be struggling.
HCDC works hard to ensure that seniors are well educated on the full range of options including Reverse Mortgages, and to provide extremely affordable assistance in the legal process.